"I Will Pay You Double" - Indian Student Arrested for Shoplifting in New Jersey

Written on 04/18/2024
Asia91 Team

In a troubling incident in Hoboken, New Jersey, two Indian students were arrested after attempting to shoplift at a local ShopRite grocery store. The students, one aged 20 from Hyderabad and another aged 22 from Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, were apprehended as they tried to leave the store with unpaid merchandise.


Incident Details: 

The incident occurred on March 19, when ShopRite security observed the two women, who are studying in the U.S., attempting to leave the store having paid for only two items totaling $8.74, while attempting to take additional items valued at $155.61. Upon being caught, Hoboken police were immediately notified and officers arrived at the scene around 5:15 p.m.


Upon arrival, the police learned the full extent of the attempted theft. Despite the students' offers to pay double the total price of the goods they attempted to steal and their pleas for leniency, the officers proceeded with the arrest. 


The students tried to convince the police of their innocence and expressed regret, but the severity of the incident led to their being taken into custody.


One of the students desperately pleaded with the officers, promising that such an incident would never happen again and asking to be let off with a warning. 


However, given the circumstances and the value of the goods involved, the police explained the legal implications of their actions and the necessity of upholding the law.


Broader Impact: 

This incident sheds light on the serious consequences of such actions, particularly for international students whose future in the U.S. can be severely impacted by criminal records. 


While many students work hard and adhere to the law, incidents like this can unfortunately cast a shadow over the entire student community. The arrest serves as a stern reminder of the importance of integrity and the harsh realities of legal consequences for criminal behavior.


Asia91.com's heart goes out to the parents of the students involved, who must be facing considerable distress due to this incident. However, we hope that these two students, along with the broader student community, will learn an important lesson: actions that may seem small or minor can lead to significant troubles.


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